Disability Law

McCroskey Law’s attorneys have always advocated for the rights of disabled workers in Michigan. We understand the challenges that come with an injury, chronic illness, and an inability to work. With fully-staffed offices in Muskegon, Grand Rapids, and Battle Creek, we have the ability to meet with our clients face-to-face, and direct them to local community resources.

A disabled worker may be eligible for a variety of important benefits. We have the skills to evaluate your case, and help you receive the benefits you deserve. Some of these benefits include:

Workers’ Compensation

If your injuries are occupational, you may be able to receive workers’ compensation benefits. Michigan workers’ compensation benefits provide beneficiaries with a weekly wage loss benefit, payment of work-related medical expenses, and vocational rehabilitation. Since 2011, workers’ compensation claims have become increasingly complicated. However, McCroskey Law’s experienced team of workers’ compensation attorneys are ready to guide you through these legal hurdles.

Social Security Disability and SSI

If you have a long work history, you may also qualify for Social Security Disability (SSDI) benefits. SSDI beneficiaries receive a monthly disability payment and Medicare benefits. Under certain circumstances, minor children and disabled adult children of SSDI beneficiaries can also receive a monthly benefit payment.

Additionally, SSI benefits provide assistance for low-income, disabled individuals, regardless of their work history. SSI beneficiaries must show that they meet Social Security’s medical requirements for disability, but must also meet economic criteria. Disabled children can receive an SSI benefit. SSI monthly benefits are typically lower than SSDI benefits, and beneficiaries receive Medicaid.

Under certain circumstances, you may receive both SSDI and SSI benefits.

Winning a workers’ compensation, SSDI, or SSI claim without skilled legal representation can be difficult. At McCroskey Law, we believe that our friends and neighbors deserve high quality, local representation in all of their disability-related claims. If you have questions about disability law, call McCroskey Law today.

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  1. 1 Free Consultation
  2. 2 Over 70 Years of Combined Experience
  3. 3 Offices in Muskegon, Grand Rapids & Battle Creek
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